Observations of a civilization on the verge of everything - as seen from my window in New York City framing the Empire State Building (built at the height of the last Great Deflation)
After a short period it looked like the revenues of the recorded music industry might stabilize (CD sales have been collapsing but digital sales have been growing to the point where the two were at equilibrium), digital sales have now started dropping too.
The Second Avenue Subway in New York City has been under construction in one form or another for 80 years. It looks like they are getting somewhat serious. More...
I am living in a sublet for a month or two so I've lost the view of my beloved Empire State Building. However, imagine my delight when I get this view from the bedroom in my sublet!
So it turns out that anyone can walk into the terminal at Rome's Leonardo da Vinci airport at night, when there's no security and access to the terminal is easy. More...
A lot of movement since I last posted this link. My top shot changed for the first time in months, with "Flood Tide" knocking out "Woolworth" for the first time in months. More...
Turns out the tenants of the Empire State Building are billed pro-rata for the building's exterior lighting, which is paid for separately by sponsors. A lawsuit is in progress. More...
The Modern Language Association's website has a cool feature that let's you look at the distribution of languages by county across the nation in an interactive fashion. Her's a map of Yiddish in the NYC area. More...
Flickr has always liked my boxers Lukas and Chip, and my shots of buildings with 7 featuring the old Metlife Building in Madison Square Park and 3 featuring the Empire State Building. More...